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Liv here. Me and my mommy wanted to share a blog to help each other with dinner through the week. Helping each other plan meals with the healthy recipes in mind. I love to cook and mom is learning to love it. This is gonna be a fun thing to share with her. I love you mom. You truly are the best mother in the world.

Thursday, February 6, 2014

Homemade Butterfingers

Thank You! Delaney Page for sharing this recipe with me.   Boy oh boy they are delish - I cut them into 30 pieces and ate 5 in one sitting.  Since I obviously lacked self control I ended up taking a dozen to my acupuncture lady - she agreed they are delicious.  Gonna make these again and substitute the granulated sugar with coconut palm sugar, or yacon syrup or brown rice syrup - since these are a lot lower on the glycemic index 
(Original recipe from brittanyangell.com) 

1/3 Cup Coconut Nectar or Agave
1/3 Cup Water
1 Cup Granulated Sugar (Organic Cane Sugar or Turbinato or regular white sugar)
1 Cup Creamy Peanut Butter (if using a healthy version add a little melted coconut oil to make it creamy
1 Cup Enjoy Life Chocolate Chips (or regular chocolate chips)
1-2 Tsp. Coconut Oil (optional)

12 x 17 Jelly Roll Pan (cookie sheet) covered with a sheet of Parchment Paper.
Candy Thermometer
Large Kitchen Knife + Oil (or non-stick spray) to coat it

1. Place a sheet of parchment paper on jelly roll pan. Scoop peanut butter into measuring cup and set
it next to stove with a spoon ready to go.
2. Into a heavy bottomed non-stick (or cast iron) sauce pan combine the Syrup, Water and Granulated
Sugar. Turn heat on medium high- stir until the sugar dissolves. As the sugar mixture heats it will
bubble and change composition- stir it occasionally (It should not stick to the pan) place a candy
thermometer in and carefully monitor the temp. (Don’t allow the thermometer to touch the pan as
this will give you an inaccurate temp. read)
3. When the temp. reaches 280- 285 degrees quickly turn off the heat (any hotter and the sugar will
burn). QUICKLY stir in the peanut butter. Still moving at a quick pace- poor the mixture onto the
prepared pan with parchment. Spread the candy mixture just slightly (it should be about an inch
4. Coat the large knife with oil and score the bars into the size that you would like. (Tip: When you
score DO NOT drag the knife. Press down and then lift up. Re-oil knife as needed. I like to go back
over the score lines several times to make them as deep as possible)
5. Allow the butterfinger’s to cool at room temp for 1-2 hours.
6. Once cool use a large knife to cut (break) the candy bars apart.
7. Melt the Chocolate Chips in a microwave 1-2 minutes (stopping the microwave every so often to
stir). If the chocolate is too thick for you to comfortably work with stir in 1-2 Tsp of Coconut Oil. (The
more oil you use- the quicker the chocolate will melt in your hand when eating)
8. Dip each bar in the chocolate – let the extra chocolate drip off and then place on either a sheet of
parchment paper or on a cooling wrack.
9. Let the chocolate cool and harden (if you are impatient- stick the bars in your freezer!)

#Vegan, GlutenFree 

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